Collaborative Platform

Through this platform, members can learn and share their resources, skills and expertise to encourage consensus- building and evidence-based advocacy and interventions that bring about positive Menstrual Health Management engagement and change.

Who We Are

We are a coalition consisting of individuals, groups and institutions that aims to strengthen coordination among key stakeholders to build on and support the evidence base to better transition research into action. Our focus is to support multi-sectoral policy making and the scaling up of sustainable, evidence-based programmes that address the menstrual health needs of girls, women and all people who menstruate, throughout their menstrual lifecycle, in Africa.

Our History

In partnership with UN Women and UNICEF, UNFPA East and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) and the Department of Women in the Presidency of the Republic of South Africa co-hosted the first African Symposium on Menstrual Health. This highly successful event brought together more than 300 participants from governments, CSOs, social entrepreneurs, academia, faith leaders and youth from across the continent.

The  Call to Action from the 2018 symposium included the establishment of the African Coalition for Menstrual Health. Since the symposium, the Coalition has grown its membership base to more than 500 organisations and individuals and has become a recognised platform and convener for strengthened policy dialogue, coordination and knowledge sharing for more than 500 Menstrual Health (MH) practitioners from Africa and beyond.

The Secretariat for the African Coalition for Menstrual Health (ACMH) was established in September 2018 and is hosted by UNFPA. By the end of 2018, ACMH had established its leadership and developed strategic documents. The Coalition continues to engage partners and leaders on MH issues and is leading collaborative efforts for coordinated responses to MH within development and humanitarian settings.

Our Vision

By 2030, all women, girls and people who menstruate are empowered to address their Menstrual Health Management challenges throughout their reproductive lifecycle – from menarche to menopause – in development and humanitarian settings.

Our Mission

To advance and sustain a collaborative platform for a diverse range of Africa-based actors working on Menstrual Health. Through this platform, members can learn and share their resources, skills and expertise to encourage consensus- building and evidence-based advocacy and interventions that bring about positive Menstrual Health engagement and change.

Our Purpose

  • To strengthen coordination among key stakeholders;
  • To enhance collaborative partnerships, joint resource mobilisation and advocacy for menstrual health policies towards effective and sustainable menstrual health in Africa;
  • To build on and support the evidence base to better transition research to action;
  • To support multi-sectoral policy making and scale up of sustainable, evidence-based programmes that address the menstrual health needs of girls, women and other people who menstruate throughout their menstrual lifecycle in Africa;
  • To ensure that Menstrual Health is recognised as an essential requirement for African countries to harness the Demographic Dividend, and to advance the African Union’s Agenda 2063, as well as a key element in implementing the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health 2016-2030.

Key Focus Areas

How We Work

The African Coalition for Menstrual Health is a multi-sectoral collaborative network of organisations and individuals consisting of technical experts, government representatives, professionals, youth and marginalised group representatives working in and interested in MH issues. Collectively, we shall:

  • Position MH as a key development and multi-sectoral issue;
  • Intensify resource mobilisation for the ACMH Secretariat, convening and activities, aiming to advance the ACMH agenda globally, regionally and nationally;
  • Develop guidance documents for the integration of MH into sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR); education; and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) policy and programming;
  • Enhance MH documentation and knowledge management, as well as research;
  • Contribute to the development, harmonisation and implementation of MH products, standards and value chains.

Our Leadership and Structure

In order to complement the Secretariat and facilitate coordination of thematic areas, the ACMH leadership consists of the leads, co-leads and other key members of the six thematic task forces, as well as the overarching research and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) task force.

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